Which dog breed is this?
Correct answer: Portuguese Water Dog

Just when I'm sure this game has presented every dog breed there ever was or is, up pop's another. Oh well, the questions are fun & educational.

My friend has this breed of dog, Milly is so soft and she throws herself upside down at my feet so that I'll give her a good rub down. I enjoy doing it.

Friends of mine had one they had a stream in the garden and it just used to stay there most of the time.

There are so many fantastic dog breeds. How does one choose one?

cos it's not any of the others.

ChampionNymph37634, There's a similar Italian version called Lagotto Romagnolo.

Player #7719043, You must be a kitty cat person. Answer the question and move on...Woof Woof

RipeToad77290, I think they are vèty interesting cause, they have all that hair and they dont shed!!