Which breed of dog is this?
Correct answer: Labrador Retriever

Player #4047702
I have a black labrador retriever.

Player Tystyx
Fantastic Dog

Player #3059660
Player #4047702, my. daughter has three. Labrador retrievers on is a rescue dog

They have such Cute lil Pups 🐶

we have a white lab..a pure white one..

Player #44524339
Chandu, WOW! ALLLLL White Labrador??? Really? Must be beautiful. And rare.

We had a beautiful Labrador/pit bull mix dog. A wonderful dog! I miss her.

Puppy lover!!
My little dogy looks like that! Plus she is that same breed of dog! Her b-day is tomorrow!

Brainy chemist
Mine is like this one 🥰

Gary-Melb Aust, most larger breeds do.

Player #4734161
love i

that's what my strudel is

Player #5099592
picture doesn't look like it

Player #3366575
ChewyGazelle68623, so sorry for your loss.

Please don't cover the dog's face with a "double question" sign. Makes it a little harder to identify. Got it right anyway. 😊

Player #7719043, A Golden retriever is a different breed from a Labrador retriever. In fact, a Labrador that is golden-colour is called a red Lab.

Player #4047702, I use to have a labrador and she was an outside dog. She strayed away too far and when we found him, he was being shredded to death by 2 pit bulls. Their was an audience watching this horrible thing happening. We called the police and they took the 2 owners to jail. When they had been sentenced, it was a year in jail and pay us $5,000. I cant even call that SWEET JUSTICE!! We bought another lab and named it MAX too. The whole image will always be in my mind! They put those 2 pit bulls to death with a shot so they didnt suffer. Too bad!!