Which breed of dog is this?
Correct answer: American Leopard Hound

Player #9113963
speaking of dogs..why is this allowed and required..? cut the tail short ( loss of natural balance and manuverability when running..cut off part of ears and stand them up..no way to keep out dirt and cold and German Shepard legs are too long as for years they spine on these dogs MUST be slanted all of this and more mutilation..while dog shows have all the judges all dressed in their finest to say what mutilated breed by their demand is champion!! I saw a lady litterly pulling out a dogs hair before a show and she said oh he is used to it now but we don't cut it..I wanted to buy an Australian and no tail diving and the breeder said I couldn't buy one as the American kennel club demands docking. I get my dogs from shelters. where is the LAW to stop mutilating!!??.

wow, lots of dog breed questions, not complaining...

Player Tensas
Player #17688875, As I stated earlier, in Louisiana the dog is known as a Catahoula Cur. I grew up around these dogs. my little brother rode on the back of ours. They are also called simply Hog Dogs as they are used to hunt wild boars. They have powerful jaws and are fearless, wonderful dogs.

Player Say what!?
This is my first dog question in a long time. I don't mind them at all.

Player Elf Council
Player #9113963, Good on you. I hate what they do to dogs.

Player #9113963, I am silently applauding you for your comment and feel the sameway. Nice!

Maui Girl
Wow, only 400 more breeds to go!

Player Tensas
The leopard hound was originally called a Catahoula Cur. Catahoula is the name of a Parish in Louisiana and the hound is the state dog.

Before I began participating in this game, I was comfortable with my knowledge regarding the variety of dog breeds. I have since been made keenly aware of how lacking that knowledge is - This question being a shining example of that fact. Previously, I was ignorant of any breed known as Leopard Hound; and I must confess that my initial response upon seeing the picture of same, was that this dog is a mongrel of mixed breeding. I stand corrected.

Player #9113963, I'm with on this one

Player #9113963, I couldn't agree more. it's just mean. I had a friend who owned 2 great Danes and refused to Clio their ears. I don't remember 100% but think one of them had their tail docked, not by him. so awful.

wasn't a Doberman, German shepherd or corgi so by process of elimination it had to be the American leopard hound. very sweet and cute looking pup! process of elimination is a study and exam tool learned in high school and college.

I have one of these, only down south, they're called a Catahoula Leopard Cur! Very smart dogs!

Player Tensas, yes!

Player #12024499, no look it up.

wendylucille, Leopard dogs hunt RACOONS. They also have “CAT PAWS”. They can climb.

wendylucille, but it's not an American Leopard Hound. Two different breeds.

Player Nor, different breed.

foxhop, common mistake. Please do a google search.

Player Tensas, two totally different breeds. I own both. Look it up. Houlas have a closed mouth and the Leopard Hound has an open mouth. Better for scent gathering. Houlas don't do well on a cold trail but Leopard Hounds excel at this.

ADHDISOMFG, I own both. Houlas are generally used to hunt hogs. They are more stocky that the Leopard hound which is used for Racoon

Player Tensas, also the Catahoula Leopard Dog.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #9113963, I completely agree. ear-cropping seems especially barbaric to me; US veterinary schools don't even teach the procedure anymore. The AKC claims it's to prevent ear infections, but then why don't they demand it for Labs or Cocker Spaniels, who get more ear infections than anybody? Instead, they want it done to dogs like Pit Bulls, who have traditionally been used for fighting. (What a coincidence!) But in my opinion, big, floppy ears make ANY dog cuter!

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #9113963, if tails are docked, it's recommended to be done in the first 2-5 days after birth, so you'd probably have to arrange with a breeder before a litter is born.

Player #83712741
Player #9113963, the tails are not docked of the australians.they are born like this

Player #46115638
Player #9113963, I agree. it is so evil what people to to certain breeds.

Player Tensas, He looks sad. is he a sad dog?

Gorgeous dog an I bet their really cute pup's😁!

Catahoula leopard dogs and American leopard dogs are one in the same. More commonly known as catahoulas. Amazingly smart and loyal but the human must be the pack leader or they find a whole lot of curiosity and trouble. They are hunters for sure. We have rescued two. Such beautiful dogs.

Player #38947341
I honestly believe a mistake has been made here. I believe this to be a Louisiana Catahoula cur and not the leopard hound as it doesn't have the appropriate ear length of a hound!

I chose the breed that I didn't know how it looked like, and got it right.

Guillermo Jr.
Did not know we have leopards in America

Player Nor
Had 2....at farm where I had my horse
Marbles and Twiggy
they were Catahoula Hounds...amazing

gorgeous dogs!

Player Tensas, We have a Catahoula, very very sweet natured, and like true Catahoulas extremely stubborn!!

I prefer cats, but if you want a dog then either go to a rescue centre or buy direct from a good breeder who won't do anything to a puppy that you don't want to have done.

ninjagranny #24337166
it kinda looks like a German Short Haired Pointer 🤔

Ahh, the power of deduction ;)

Player #19948070

wendylucille, I wish they had a way for you to post a picture of your red leopard!