In which year was the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Ağca?
Correct answer: 1981

Player #24358685
The tragedies and struggles of his life were unbelievable. He lost his entire family during the war. When he heard his father breathe his last, he decided to dedicated his life to God. He studied for the priesthood in secret (penalty under the Nazis: summary execution), practiced as the Soviets tried to stamp out Catholicism in Poland; and accepted the See of Krakow, placing him in direct conflict with the communist regime; and that was all before becoming Pope!

Laudy Miss Claudy
Elle, That's why John Paul II was canonized a saint.

Player #96919
Elle, I remember seeing it on the news. It's also the year that I got married so it was an easy question for me

The BEST pope ever!