Which breed of dog is this?
Correct answer: Golden Retriever

Love the Goldens! Such beautiful dogs with fabulous temperaments. Our last three dogs have been Goldens mainly because of their sweet natures, and they're so easy to train. Love the dog breed questions...keep 'em coming!

Beautiful dogs, great with kids, probably in the top three of best "all around" dog breeds. For sure, one of the favorites.

Player #6405564
swish, my Shiloh was always mistaken for a Irish setter she got so red sometimes, but golden yellow in summer. she passed away last summer. I miss her so much. she was the smartest dog l ever had and gentle Dosen't even come close to her temperament.

Alexandra Kendall
If you're in a bad mood, a Golden Retriever won't wallow with you. He will jolly you into his good mood. They are fabulous dogs.

Obaapa setina
They’re my favorite dog breed

Player #25672957
Goldens are the best dogs ever! Don't even try to argue, there is no better dog in the world.

Love 'em, too bad they shed so much.

team edward cullen
goldens are awesome

Player #126074658
We have a beautiful Golden Retriever - so friendly and playful!

I love 🐕

i wish i have this dog

Love the dogs. HATE the shedding. When I visit my friend who has two I love on them because they’re so sweet but come home covered.

Loved my Golden, Jennifer. She loved everything and everyone. Only downside to loving a Golden is knowing they have a relatively short life span. About ten years is pretty much the max.

So true because we are so lucky to have this kind of dog.Ours although he is a mixed combination is so cute,so good looking and very good boy.How I love this kind of dog.

I love Golden Retrievers. But I had one who had a nasty vicious streak! He loved stealing the tea towel, shoes, things out of the laundry basket. If we tried to take them from him he really meant business! If we ignored him he forgot about those things and we could take them back.

Player Billynomates
must have been something wrong with my goldie he shed continuously in all of the seasons.

Player #12685202
Reba 333, peaches is somewhat of a guard dog. barks if anyone pulls into yard. some people she dont like she cowers and barks.almost an attack stance. weird but sooo lovable

I've met some very smart Irish Setters, they do have brains. While training them you have to treat them with respect and kindness. Treating them in this manner just as you do with any other canine companion yields great rewards. On the other hand, I've met some truly dumb Goldens, which defied every known ideal about them.

Look at that beautiful baby!!