Which breed of dog is this?

Correct answer: Doberman Pinscher

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #8669242
Player #8669242
docking tails and ears simply disables the dog. They can't communicate properly without intact tails and ears.
old lady pharmacist
old lady pharmacist
based on experience they are a very sweet and loving breed
Nice dogo
Zeus and appollo magnum pi
Murican Liberal
Murican Liberal
petri, no true, we’ve raised Dobermans for 30 years and NEVER had a single dog go crazy, some with hip displasia or other ailments but not anything wrong with their brains.
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
old lady pharmacist, when I was a little girl I was knocked down into the road by a Dobie . The dog was just being overly friendly but I still freeze if a large dog comes toward me.
Player #1443721, that does not make it right