"Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment." These are lines from which movie?
Correct answer: Godfather Part III
A fantastic trilogy!
Joe D
I usually feel like I'm the only person who likes Godfather III. I enjoy opera, which might be why a lot of people are instinctively biased against it. The climactic scene is absolutely operatic! I think it may be my favorite of the 3 great movies.
My favorite movies, watched them several times to pick up details that were missed the first time and next time will notice even more missed details.
Player Bengal Mama
Centenarian, Dear fellow players, I have seen this player many times but not recently. does anybody know if he's still with us? My Mother was also enlisted during WW2. Her centennial was June 7, 2022. I did see where he wrote that he did hit his century, quite recently. There's not many of them left these days. Just wondering if anybody actually knew him. I love his smile.
Mars V
The third one was not as bad as everyone said, but I think it’s a big stretch that Michael and Kay would be so friendly to each other after part two.
My favourite movie
Player #98883546
Centenarian, totally agree! Each movie is important in bringing a full understanding of Michael Corleone.
if you didn't hate your enemies, would they still be your enemy?
one of the best movies ever, after Godfather1!!