Which type of flower is this?
Correct answer: Calliandra

Never heard of that flower, but I knew it wasn't the other 3.

I have this tree. After cyclone Larry it flowered and became a host food for myriad of birds, butterflies and insects. We have since planted more

It had to be the one I'd never heard of.

All flowers are pretty, even the stinky ones and there is a cute skunk name “Flower,” in the animated movie (hmmm, if I can just remember). Does anyone remember the name about a deer, who loses its mother and his dad had to look for him after a fire storm? Oh brother, it’s a popular Disney movie and it’s embarrassing not to remember. (I blame it on lack of sleep, lol). I will remember later, you wait and see.

Looks much like the 'ohio flower of Hawaii.

Same as above, ditto.

what a beautiful flower and I got it right, due to a process of elimination!!