Which of these is not the name of a model of Rolls Royce?
Correct answer: Commode

my car is a Rolls-Canardly. it rolls down one hill and canardly get up the other.

Old Fool
ChampionNymph37634, wrong!
A rich Billionaire buys a new roller when the ashtrays in his old one are full.
While a poor Billionaire has a servant who's only job is to empty and wash the ashtrays.

As is often done, the choices made this an easy question.

Nope got this wrong and it’s okay. I am not a rich .. if a car runs it’s good for me and I can call it whatever I want yahoo

Little Saint, what's the difference between gasoline and petrol?

What's the difference between a wealthy Billionaire & a poor Billionaire? The wealthy Billionaire has two Roll's jacked up on cement blocks in his yard & the poor Billionaire only one!!

jenteet1970, Yup, and they still do. 20 years ago they were Engineering intercoolers and superchargers for the LM2500 gas turbine, which, along with a Power turbine, run 90% of the US Navy afloat fleet. (includes destroyers, cruisers and frigates). The LM2500 is a General Electric manufactured gas turbine that was originally designed for the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 passenger jet.

Player Elf Counsel
jenteet1970, To contiu... frozen chickens into the engines to see if they would damage them. Hilarious!

Player Elf Counsel
jenteet1970, My husband too worked for them at Pathway in Bristol. Helped build the Concord. Once he had to throw

PresentMail7, Not the question.

ImmovableSalesman4, I'm having the same problem!! I' on level 1205. How did KemDog get so far??.

My car could be called a commode it's getting leaky.

ImmovableSalesman4, me too!!

Love this game,but Y'all need to create more levels.. am on 1319, and keep running out every day.. for the past few weeks