Which type of physician treats brain seizures or epilepsy?
Correct answer: Neurologist

Player #4117110
my son has seizures, he starts and cant stop, I have to call an ambulance, he has always had multiple grand mal seizures, it awful to watch, his head hurts so much after 3 in a row, meds now control his life

Player #18738439
Thank you to the developers for sharing such informative and helpful facts. Especially, the families whom have commented with their family member suffering from brain illness much appreciated and my heart sincerely goes out to you

Player #18757799
I'd like to be a neurologist

jenteet1970, My daughter also has CP, and she doesnt talk or walk either.. And she definitely has her own little personality and knows what she likes or doesnt.. she is an absolute gem..

Player #20574086
I have gran mal seizures and I can promise you it is no fun. it hurts. sometimes for days

Player #24168148
I still remember my first seizure. I was 9 or 10 yrs old, and I think in the 5th grade. I found out from my birth mom that epilepsy runs really bad in our family. My mom has it, my aunt molly has it. I take strong medication to control my seizures. So I haven't had one since I was probably 19 or 20 and Im 27 now. Because of how long I've gone without having a seizure, my neurologist has given me permission to drive a car.

My son started having seizures when he turned 21 years old....so unforgiving to watch him go thru ...the meds he takes are destroying his teeth....it has really changed him as he seems agitated often & depressed...he now lives with me ... everyone else in his life has walked away because they don't want to deal with his illness ...but I can't ...

I love this game, it test you in so many ways. Enlightening. Tip if you watch discovery Channel and love to learn and test your knowledge. This is for you. Welldone team!

Player #21343694
this person I know who I really loved had epilepsy and died from epilepsy

Player #30555238
I suffered with epilepsy from the age of 5 to 15 yrs old, I was lucky to have grown out of it, I had all the seizures, u never knew when one was going to happen, I am BLESSED to have outgrown the disease.

Neurologists only test for and diagnose seizure and seizure-related disorders. Epileptologists are specialists that treat and diagnose epilepsy; I only know, because

Like if you love Amy from big bang theory
(Shes actually a neurobiologist)

my cousin has an epilepsy for more than a decade now...she do not feel when she will have an attack, it is so sudden and unpredictable that it's so scary to leave her without any companion but even though she have this sickness, she is a role mode because she strive to do her best and she already have her masters degree at a young age.

im newly diagnosed at 50 and was result of concussions,fevers of 105F and infection in the left side of my brain. no family history

Ryver, wonderful mom.

I actually have seizures! I never know or remember when I have them. I am on meds for it and it’s mostly under control ( I say mostly cause I’ll have one every once in a while)

Player #4117110, when this happens put a rag or wooden spoon into his mouth so he won't bite his tongue

Player #4117110, Hope he gets better, praying for him, my sister died with multiple epilepsy attacks, but she was already 60 already.... God bless him and you all.

Player #4117110, Clonazepam has helped me with my epilepsy, I will no longer have seizures.

Player #4117110, I started having seizures in 2021. I was 26. Was diagnosed with epilepsy Focal seizures mostly also did have a few gran mal seizures. Fortunately had brain surgery back in June of 2023 and since then haven’t had a seizure I know of. Still on meds though. I hope maybe your son can have surgery one day ❤️

Ryver, I applaud your commitment to your son

Hello everyone I'm an EPILEPTIC patient for 13 years and I am a survivor. The only secret,medicine in all pain and seizures is PRAY and have FAITH cause MIRACLES happen at a right time just be patient and faithful. And I am proud to say that God healed me from my illness,and now I don't drink medicine anymore! God bless you all!

sorry 😞 please I am so 😞

Where's my fellow epileptics at? ✌️

my wife used to have nocturnal tonic clonic seizures, about one every 6 to 12 months.
During pregnancy/delivery her epidural her anesthesiologist punctured the Dura, leaving her with a Spinal Fluid (SPF leak). This led to some massive postural headaches. To repair, they gave her a blood patch (basically a second epidural).
First, the headaches instantaneously disappeared. Secondly, it's been > 2 1/2 years since her last seizure.
I wanted to share this as there has been a lot of research in the past few years around chronic/slow SPF leaks that, when treated with a blood patch, have led to complete turnarounds for patients with POTS syndrome and other ailments.

Player #117154011
nephrologist and neurologist look so similar so I pressed nephrologist🤣

seizures are genetic in the form of epilepsy

I know another about seizures too my freind is now seizure free x

Ryver, my heart goes out to you!! My brother and a good friend both suffered from this

I have epilepsy too. And it totally ruined my life

it's difficult. always have an ID bracelet an proper sleep any change just tell the doctor..

sorry 😔😐

Ryver, I'm sorry to hear that, I have met many people with different types of disabilities and feel pity but also hope that they will hopefully overcome this hard obstacle, best wishes for U and your son.

Amarjeet Sahoo, God has him now and God loves you and God will keep you strong. God bless you.

Trish W., God be with him and you.

PurpleGamer2019, What a blessing a child God blessed you with and no more seizures... double blest how awesome so happy for you.

Boogies Girl, Yes He will strengthen you... He is the Almighty God!!! There is nothing He can't do. Thanks for caring. God bless you. I love Jesus.

Nathaniel Vickers, First of all thank you for your service and sorry about your seizures. Glad that you have not had one for a while. Hopefully you won't have any more.

Kiwozzie, That is interesting.

Ethan, That is awesome of you. We need to pray for others. God bless you.