When were millennials born?
Correct answer: 1981 - 1996

Player #13819913
I'm from the best generation...50s & 60s..best music..best movies..best actors..plus we LEARNED to respect others..and appreciated every thing we had..

I'm a WW1 baby

ZyggyStardust, I spent 50 years working and paying into SS so no apologies from me on taking my government mandated savings

The generation that thinks the world owes them a living, that success is instant, who can't cope with anyone disagreeing with them and who need their own safe space as they can't cope with the world.

Remember that older generations have always complained about those younger than them. Examples go back to ancient Greece. Everything nasty said about millennials was said of boomers by those who served in The Great War. Don't take it personally.

Player Elf Counsel
Top 5: Global Trivia, I'm WWII.

I am generation X, mother of 2 millennial,daughters

Player #96919
Player #13819913, I couldn't agree more.

I am between X and Y 😁

I call people born after the millennium..techmix baby's..All tech no savvy.! they would rather spend hrs trying to cheat this quiz than be honest with themselves and learn..

Brad Stopher
I beg to differ my definition of a millennial are people that were born from 2000 to the present I was born in 1998 so technically I'm not a millennial

I was born in 1950. Nobody went round stabbing people, Nobody carried guns not even the police. Drugs? Never heard of 'em. Those born nowadays are born into a society of AI and toxic online sites. Grrrr

Mrs busybody
Player #13819913, me too and I totally agree with everything you said. We had the bed of everything. We didn’t have today’s technology but who cares we did much better without it. At least we know how to have a conversation. We had the best time.

Purple Kitty, the Generation that seem to think the world owes them and terrible parents

I'm a millennial

MDT73, just because they think the world owes them a living, they also should know that they need to work to collect it.

quicksilver, too bad the gov stole some of it and it is not enough to live on even with another retirement income now.

Centenarian, that'd make you over a hundred and 6 if you were born in 1914. if my calculations are right?!

Centenarian, gosh you are old then!!

Player #13819913, that is soo true, am from the same era as well.

Blooply, it goes back to generation A

Blooply, CHAOS!😱

noyfb john, lnteresting - and suspicious - isn't it?

Centenarian, I salute you, Sir. l enjoy reading your comments.

Player #21035860
quicksilver, yes!

Old Fool
Blooply, generation alpha, from the Greek alphabet... alpha, beta, gamma, delta Etc. until omega. Then back to Latin a, b, c. ...

That means the older ones (born 1981) are forty. I still think of them in their twenties.

Player #2655037, you're such a dumbass

Byrde Alpha Bitch
I'll stick with the X.

Player #13819913, hey, me to and I agree with you!!

proud to be from the millennials💃