Who was the female enemy in the American TV show "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"?
Correct answer: Natasha Fatale

JR. Gee
liked that cartoon

Player #8737205
loved Bullwinkle & rocky cartoon i grew up watching it

Bad news for Moose and Squirrel

Oh how I love those old cartoons!! I have Rocky and Bullwinkle collectible drinking glasses that Sonic Drive-In sold soda pops in back in the early 70s.

I grew up watching these cartoons an wish they would do re-runs on regular tv. I like the commercial their in now with the Geico. Cool beans! 😉

I always thought Boris’s and Natasha were Russian seeing that the show was on tv during the Cold War.

Player #7106191, My very favourite! I have all the videos. went to school with the daughter of Peter Peach (Capt 'Wrong-way' Peter Peachfuzz) whose credit was eventually dropped altogether. Definately an adult cartoon: what child knows The Rubyat by Omar Kyham? then wouldn't get 'The Ruby Yacht of Omar Kyham'. unless U sawThe Snake Pit starring Olivia Dehavillan (NOT a child's movie) one would not understand - on avoiding his own snake pit BW leans over & says "Good-bye, Olivia." (:

Player #19472386
An interesting show for its time.