What plant is used to make opium?

Correct answer: Poppy

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What people think about it: 26 Comments
in the wizard of oz dorothy and the gang fall asleep in the poppy field
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
Don't eat that poppy seed bagel before a urine test or you'll test positive for narcotics.
Player #19645645
Player #19645645
Mag1c M1ke, yup. ypres, WWI, poem in Flanders field the poppies blow, between the crosses row on row ....to morn friend's violent death. poem inspired an American teacher to begin the poppy tradition for Remembrance Day which used to be November 11.
Mag1c M1ke
Mag1c M1ke
Maybe mistaken, but aren't Poppies also symbolic of one of the wars where a lot of dead soldiers in France died in a field where Poppies started growing after the conclusion of the war.. Which is why at 11am on the 11th of November, militants & those showing respect for the falling where a poppy flower on their chest?
Mary J.
Mary J.
very good pain reliever when controlled, esp. after surgery.
Player #745155
Player #745155
Laudy Miss Claudy, proven fact
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Laudy Miss Claudy, yep I learned that from an episode of Seinfeld lol where they had eaten poppyseed muffins lol!
Laudy Miss Claudy, I had an orange poppyseed muffin every day on my way to formation in the Army...till someone said that. lol. not taking the chance. oh, how I missed my poppyseed muffin!
Mag1c M1ke, I believe it is because of the ancient use of poppies on gravestones to sign. eternal sleep...
Player #19645645, I was gonna mention that. it's why people wear the poppy flower on these days.
Hundreds of acres of them grown in Tasmania (red fields as far as the eye can see )for processing to make codeine
Mag1c M1ke, Poppies have always grown in the fields of France( and other European countries) but were controlled as weeds before the trench warfare of WW1. Because no crops were sown in these very large areas(hundreds of square miles) for several years after the war ended due to unexploded ordinance and hastily buried bodies, the poppies took over and turned the fields an apt blood red. FYI the main Allied losses consisted of British ,Australians, New Zealanders ,French and Canadians but there were lots of Americans killed and buried there too.
Player #35450899
Player #35450899
and humans always find a way to turn something good to bad
And how romantic when you smoke at your date with poppy seeds in your teeth! 😬
Controls my chronic pain better than anything but morphine and codien only make me itchy and nauseated. Don't other opiates come from poppy's also?
In Andhra cuisine of India new moms are given a curry made with Poppy seeds as it helps with the pain and increase milk supply.
Lola Lo
Lola Lo
Not all poppy species produce opium.
Lola Lo
Lola Lo
Player #12965967, Maybe because he was a dad. ie "pop".
Player #11357618 cmk, accidental discovery I think, it's the milky, latex like fluid the seed pod bleeds when you cut it that is turned into opium.
Player #11357618 cmk
Player #11357618 cmk
How did anyone discover the poppy is opium? Someone just looked at it and said this will make a good painkiller?
love that flower
Player #18996322
Player #18996322
Laudy Miss Claudy, I know I use to eat them all the time there is also several cold meds that do this
JR. Gee
JR. Gee
FiestyHippo2333, high too huh lmao
Hassan ãįhəvœű
Hassan ãįhəvœű
I didn't see it
Player #18529102
Player #18529102
Wtf what
Laudy Miss Claudy, thats right out of a Seinfeld story.