Which country has made a fashionable tradition of dining at Kentucky Fried Chicken at Christmas?

Correct answer: Japan

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Raven’s dad
Raven’s dad
Player Elf Counsel, nobody eats fast food. And yet somehow McD sells “billions and billions”.
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
Pimpao +, As info says that Christmas & real life christian rituals aren't that common in Japanese culture. it goes to show how people can have such a desire that their happy to take on & adapt a commercial product to fit this missing part of their identity..
Be wise
Be wise
I love eating at KFC in the winter, not so much in the summer.
Cizinka, my friend who lives there says you have to order way ahead or you won’t get any.
Republic of Taiwan
Republic of Taiwan
Some parts of the information is false. Here's the real one KFC's own explainer said “[t]he original idea for the campaign came when a foreign customer who visited KFC in Tokyo on Christmas day said, 'I can't get the turkey in Japan, so I have no choice but to celebrate Christmas with Kentucky Fried Chicken'. Some reports say that Takeshi Okawara, who managed the country’s first KFC and later became CEO of KFC Japan, falsely marketed fried chicken as a traditional American Christmas food to drum up sales. But according to KFC Japan, Okawara went to a Christmas party dressed as Santa. When the kids loved it, he saw a business opportunity. In 2020, the global KFC website published its own explainer, noting that the original idea for the campaign came when a foreign customer who visited KFC in Tokyo on Christmas day said, “I can’t get turkey in Japan, so I have no choice but to celebrate Christmas with Kentucky Fried Chicken”. The report says a team member on the brand’s Japan sales team overheard the remark and used it as inspiration to launch the first Christmas campaign. In 2017, a KFC representative revealed that the concept was inspired by a customer who requested that his order of fried chicken be delivered by someone dressed as Santa Claus on Christmas. A game of Chinese whispers has floated the possibility that a foreigner was overhead yearning for a turkey at one of the KFCs. The origin of this claim seems dubious, but there’s KFC on everyone’s plates now, so no on
Raven’s dad, it should be they SOLD.
I read about this Japanese tradition in a novel recently.
ChargingEnigma1592, agree, but check your math
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
millwallmarty, I never eat KFC or any other takeaway. All tastes bland. Home cooked is always best I reckon.
Greyghost 68
Greyghost 68
ConsequentDessert10, or even "Batshit-crazy Betty"?