What is Cannabidiol used for?
Correct answer: Medicine

Player #9952194
Helps with migraines, too. It’s the only thing I’ve tried that gets rid of them.

Player #2456261
The ostracising of marijuana in the past by governments was criminal!

Player #12040678
it's a natural cure for many illnesses even cancer but the cost makes it out of some people's reach. sad but true. the pharmaceutical industries make so much money this natural option is a threat to them.

It is being used in USA for recreation and medical treatments. Most of our medicines can be tracked to come from plant based elements!

Cannabis is legal recreationally here in California..

Player #2456261, Let the past stay in the past. Just be thankful that the constituent parts of the Cannabis Sativa plant are now legally available in almost all of the states, as well as most of the world.

Player #103085923, My cousin went to Arizona for his treatment.

I have been using it to keep my seizures at bay. So far, so good 👍.

Beelzebubba, only for the big growers. Little guys like us get regulated out of business.