Which of these is someone who is rejected as from home or society?
Correct answer: Outcast

Fascinating and surprising background information - thanks!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Fellow "Outcasts" - Let your Freak Flag Fly Higher & Higher!

look at how many of us feel that way. amazing...we are all here on this earth together and we feel mostly an outcast. thank u all for your truth.

peter kilmartin
Great band OutKast

I was an outcast once . Now i have tons of friends. 😍

Player #30266178
I have been an outcast al my life not to God or Jesus or my husband of 46 yrs. that's all that matters to me. those people who think their better are the outcast.

Player #38147844
Fun guy,
Outcasts are the most intelligent of humans

I am an outcast from home,family and society.I would like the people who did that to me to see how well I'm doing on this quiz,and in which conditions.At least some of them would be ashamed.

Fun guy
many outcasts due to social prejudices.. shame - Jesus loved Everyone..

Player #14993519.
Scottish Fraulein, ,,,I know the feeling,,

Excuse the Kuz
Sounds like the Juice.

It is a "paria", renegade, black sheep of the family, an untouchable in India....

Kathy, some people are not nice right

TJ SISTER, so awesome

Player #38147844, probably in most cases

pickles, true

Denise75013, that was interesting

Fun guy, He didn't care for the Pharisees.

The term outcast actually comes from India. You had the ruling caste, the warrior caste and others. The lowest of the low were outcastes.

more likely as a “persona non grata"

“Can’t eat here”…. “Sit back there” “can’t drink from this fountain “…You want to Vote?, how dare you!”……😊………I might know a little about Outcasts 😉………. I really liked their song… Heyy Yaaa!🫤

I embrace being an outcast because I hate being around people

angelique salonga
i remember the series adams family

I love it 🥰

Monsour Offemaria
just try to listen to Hunter Hayes's Song called "Invisible

I've been left out in many things from my class like so many things worst thing is that now I gotta start from 0 in september being from another country isn't going to help

Player #62252301
adam ibro

pickles, I'm not sure that most of us do feel like outcasts. After all, we live in a society.

Sounds like abuse. ➰

Just because someone is better off, doesn't make them better. It does however put them in a better position to help their fellow humans, which too many fail to do.

no one is ever an outcast. we all have someone.

Mz Peculiar
Definitely an outcast here, but I always have been the only opinions that should matter to you are your own and your friends and loved ones. Besides I say it's more interesting to be different than a conformist, especially a blind follower to society

Player #59451448
I have been an. outcast all my life. but I have God and Jesus and my husband who loves me. all my family are dead. because of the abuse and sexual abuse I survived ad a child. they are answering to God. I have PTSD and anexity cause of this. I am getting help from a therapist.

I love this game & am NOT an outcast at all-very much the opposite!

pickles, I do not feel like an outcast!

with the sense from the ostraka or shred or broken pieces from a pottery, to be ostracized "breaks" a person into pieces

Kitty Golightly
Forever on the outside looking in.

extraordinary Question and good information I loved it...

Sonny Vistan
I don't care!!!

Player #30266178, hmm why u was outcast?In life distance yourself from people don't meant your were outcast.I grew up with many friends and I was always the leader and treated like a queen.When I get my greencard and came to the usa I left all childish thing behind and i take my family advise but putting on a woman head on my shoulder.I never felt left out in my life.I learn to have less friends.The less friebda your life won't be in problem.