What was a pogrom against Jews on 9–10 November 1938 called?
Correct answer: The Night of Broken Glass

and the same looks like it might be trying to happen in this country if we're not careful, as we're doomed to repeat if we don't pay attention to history

Player #1834942, we all need to stay awake and speak out... otherwise the lesson of history will be that we never learn

Sting Ray 69
What is in the hearts of men to cause such pain and death?

Player Teresa611
Piper, a pogrom is an orchestrated act or series of acts of violence against a targeted minority group. Pogroms are evil and immoral.

Player #1834942, amen brudda

I couldn’t agree more!! Schools need to be teaching that the Holocaust really did happen!! Some people like to bury their heads in the sand and act like it was just a made-up story that didn’t really happen. But there are too many surviving family members, and too much evidence that prove that it really did occur, and can occur again if we don’t remove the blinders from our eyes and acknowledge those atrocities, and stand up to fight against it happening again!! By the way, I am a fellow Canadian as well!!

It is all too easy to forget the other groups that died. It wasn't just the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies to name a

Christine, No it was 9th - 10th November 1938

Sting Ray 69, who said it was only men? women are just as capable of evil

I believe this event happened on June 30th into July 1st of that year. not in November.

Sting Ray 69, The Bible answers your question. The first book of John, Chapter 5, verse 19 (1 John 5:19) Hope it's ok to refer to the Bible, I know some people are not interested in what it says.

Player #31753367
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, In UK there are many times of remembrance for the atrocities suffered by the Jewish community, and Yes Genocide is despicable. Sadly the creation of Israel , eroding much of Palestine has resulted in the discrimination of many other religious beliefs. Has Canada intervened during Genocide in many African countries, Eastern Europe, and ongoing activities I in?

Player #48044781, Sadly. in March 2022-this just may happen again🤢