The Svalbard archipelago is in which country?

Correct answer: Norway

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #14993519.
Player #14993519.
millwallmarty, Beautiful picture tho,,I don’t like being cold,,lol
Very cold off course, would still love to visit someday!
As beautiful as it looks I will stay home with my heating on 👍
well don't know how cold it is .But,I see a boat in picture.
Player #37002800
Player #37002800
I never knew this before. I imagine there’s so much beauty in nature here to see!
Greek here
Greek here
archipelago is a Greek word!
Player #17314508
Player #17314508
The Svalbard Archipelago is known for its lovely snowy landscape and its delicate flora and fauna. This Archipelago also has the Svalbard Global Seed Vault that contains a lot of species of preserved seeds.