Which illness does actress Catherine Zeta Jones have?
Correct answer: Bipolar Disorder

the disease is so much more complicated than that and often misdiagnosed.

Black Widow
Any form of mental is awful, mainly because people cannot see that you have a problem, unlike a broken arm or leg. We should not judge people by how they look - you never know what’s going on inside

Player #10690778
blessings to her

This disease is as individual as each person who has it. I applaud her courage and strength.

Ashima Angelwings
Wow I never knew. She’s such a brave woman and actress.

Player #14199902
ConnectedLecturer14, Most people suffering from Schizophrenia are Not dangerous.Hollywood Loves to portray them that way. My son has it and is the most loving, kind hearted person. My nephew suffers from it as well, and I can tell you that this illness is very misunderstood. It is the worst of all the Mental disorders, robbing the person of the ability to think clearly and make rational everyday decisions in life, while having to deal with auditory hallucinations and delusions.

You looked great at the 2020 Academy Awards sweetheart!

So surprised to hear she has it, it must be awful, she is so brave to speak out about it. Good for her, I think she's great.

Player #13815076
catsmeow9810, definitely it is! Myself and my 2 daughters have it, and it is SO more complicated

Judi, I have been in 6 hospital s ,stress bring s on my depression. 1 St at age 28 I'm 61 now off meds doing ok

B Vitamins help.

Player #14199902, yeah but she's not suffering from schizophrenia or anything like that, it's bi polar disorder. not schizophrenia. and as far as I know it doesn't include bi polar... ok

like so many actors and actresses, poor soul I doubt she'll have any respite from it, not without drugs anyway....

I truly believe each of us will suffer with things like this and we never know what is going on for others.

Whistling Jake
ironmage, Patty Duke had it as well. She wrote a wonderful book about it.

Whistling Jake
Player #14199902, Please note that they are not discussing schizophrenia, but 'bi-polar'. The only similarity is that they are both chemical disorders of the brain that effect emotional and thought processes. Symptoms & DSM criteria are totally different.
Neither is inherently dangerous to others; both are very difficult to live with and to treat as they are not well understood.

Ashima Angelwings , jean claude van dam is also bipolar

cheesy charlie
Player Ripped 7, sometimes existing is all you can do, i was a single mother with bipolar disorder raising a young son with bipolar disorder - meds weren't really a choice, as much as a necessary evil.

Yeah whatevs

She is stunning though 👍

Player #3138816
Player #5822791, excuse me ? Did I miss something?

The queen👑👑
What does that mean ?

The queen👑👑
Player #10690778, yes

Player #14788143
who would know what disease a movie star has?????

Player: veganshinbud
I'm clueless about celebrities.

Beverley Australia
Player 1963, we all suffer from depression. Some more then others

it's horrible, but manageable.

I'll bet she has arthritis too

Player #12754379
Player #10690778, yeah may she rest in peace

Player #12754379
this is so hard😣😣

Ginger, I don't think there is a 'worst mental disease. All play out differently, dependant on the individual, theìr genetics and life environment, experience.

he it is I have depression not ashamed to put out there. Had it sense I was a child I just didn't know it..

Player #15517142
Player #13329707, right!

Player #13944495
You are so right! I'm still amazed that awareness and real knowledge of mental illnesses hasn't become more widespread. I have noticed that there's still quite a stigma attached.
It's sad, and much easier to get educated.

Player #14883230
Very interesting need to learn more

Michael booth
go see doctor if you think you may have it, its life destroying

Player #15442691
I was misdiagnosed, or so I thought. I've never reviewed a more to-the-core description such as stated above. I now do believe I'm actually a good candidate for bipolar. Either through my own denial, or being made to answer ridiculous, and I do mean RIDICULOUS, questions such as do I rearrange my furniture alot, or spend to much money. love to rearrange, I've been doing so from before the average age bipolar is said to develop (19ish), ut NO it's not more "complicated" then the above description. should you think it's more complicated then your out for attention. nothing is complicated with a sound diagnosis and a tangible solution. bipolar is not to be messed with NOR used as an excuse for the dumb $%@! u do

Player #15450165
I never knew that, I like her even more now! what a hero!

Player #5100533
Player #14594784, Which is a rarity for this game. Usually, it has NOTHING at all to do with the question..