Which of these is the name of an alternative to Braille as a reading/writing system for the visually impaired?

Correct answer: Moon

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
luckycatfay, They are the same word I.e. cell phone , because a mobile phone is a different thing entirely. They are better known as satellite phones . So it doesn’t matter what the correct name is , if people don’t use it
Player #7719043, They have only ever been called mobile in Australia and UK,never cell.
Linden, your right they always have to over complecate every thing. I always think that modern inventions like the mobile phone could have had the same word in every language instead of cell, mobile and whatever it is called in other languages after all its not been inbeded by years in a language.
Player #12308568
Player #12308568
Linden, that is an EXCELLENT question
Before I asked my question, I want to make it clear that I am not blind, nor have I had much communication with blind people despite being past 60 years old, and despite the fact that I was a University Professor for many years, as well as held other positions, which also gave me direct and ongoing exposure to a Broad and diverse range of people throughout the country, even the world. OK, now for my question: How is it that Braille became the preeminent alphabet form used by the blind (or "Visually Impaired", just to add political correctness) as opposed to something much more closely resembling the actual alphabet? For example If someone, who is not blind were to describe the letter "O", they could simply say, "It is a circle". If a blind person, who was exposed only to the Braille form of alphabet, were to describe the letter "O", they would have to say, "One Dot at the top left , One Dot at the bottom left , and One Dot on the middle-right". I would think that this would do more to distance blind people from the sighted community rather than help them take part in the sighted community. Can anyone explain to me how and why Braille took over so extremely, when something like the Moon System would have given blind people an exact representation of the alphabet that over 99% of the English-speaking world uses? Thank you!