Refering to some particularly ugly wallpaper, who said "One of us has got to go"?

Correct answer: Oscar Wilde in his last spoken words

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My favourite Oscar Wilde quote, "a man who lives within his means, has no imagination".
Player #19237182
Player #19237182
he also said " the only way to waste money is to save it"
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
Player #96919, He also wrote some wonderful short stories, very Christian in tone, about being generous, loving and kind to others. I was at University more than 50 years ago, so can't remember a single title. The young man he was jailed for sodomy with was the son of the Marquis of Queensbury. He chased Wild, publicly and privately. Why wasn't He ever punished? Oh yeah, the Marquis.
Player #96919
Player #96919
stashio2020, he was well known for his quirky one liners
Player #19422400, On the game of rugby:' A game for hooligans played by gentlemen with enough brains to know better '
Oscar Wilde was a genius of both spoken & written words & a great sense of humour. Ref his tongue -in-cheek quotation "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying".
I have the simplest tastes, I am always satisfied with the best.
My dearly departed loved Mr., maybe he can get that autograph from Oscar that he always wanted 🤔
poopy pants
poopy pants
that's exactly the same pattern as our wallpaper in the early 70's!
Lucy Lu
Lucy Lu
Now I understand why Wilde’s works were so tragic. One I read in High School was “ Each man kills the thing he loves yet each man does not die. The kind do it with a sword the unkind with a word.”
He found asylum in France, not exile.
MagnifiKit7170, Looking forward to meeting Oscar. When I do I'll tell him my real age & he'll wonder about 'anything' else I tell him.
swish, My favourite..."A woman who tells one her real age will tell one anything." A double edged sword. Next favourite, "Experience is the name everyine gives to their mistakes" . My thought on that quotation; Sadly no politician does (Did you like that Oscar?) 😊
Player Bengal Mama, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale & the Rose, The Devoted name a few.
Vic, I love the other answers, lol
Player Bengal Mama, the happy Prince, was one of his books, lovely story, Albeit a bit sad, makes me cry. Think there's a film called that, not that it's based on the actual story....with Rupert Everett as the lead role.
Player #36106686
Player #36106686
Player Bengal Mama, The Lonely Giant, The Happy Prince, The Match Stick Girl
Destynee Everly
Destynee Everly
Wow! The man was so smart, humor, and quirky. So sad to learn of his terrible passing.
"real pain to my cham friends, but champagne to my real friends."
Player #19422400
Player #19422400
He's seen a victim because his conviction was for homosexual acts, and we no longer consider those to be wrong. However, he was a criminal by today's standards too, as his partners were often underage.