What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
Correct answer: Bishkek

Player #14816407
My tongue is all tied up now.

Tanya, 'stan' means 'land of,' so Afghanistan is the land of the Afghans, Kazakhstan is the land of the Kazakh people. Same like Ireland means land of the Irish, Scotland means land of the Scots. Same difference in the Indo -European languages kind of thing

I would like to know who Stan was. He is so popular in these Middle Eastern countries!

Player #15356356
I just used up my majority vote and my 50/50 to answer some of these questions. I don't know alot of the answers, but from them explaining the question and answers, I am learning so much from this game.

Dmak1567, I born in Bishkek, welcome who likes mountains.

The Capital city was Frunze when it was part of the USSR. I lived there for 9 months.

Fikrat98911, many of these countries were just part of the USSR when I was in school or college, I know many of the names from an inherited stamp collection

Republic of China
Player #15356356, you do not need to use that many majority votes and 50/50 if you are an expert in History, Geography because all of them, you can learn it on simply YouTube, school and Google.

Tom W, one reason is to collect their money and spend for cold war by USSR, unfortunately.

I actually live in Kyrgyzstan and it is a beautiful country with magnificent mountains and rich culture. Many people do not know of Kyrgyzstan, since they always confuse it with Kazakhstan or call it Russia

shaquelia frederick
Player #LeratoSA, me to

CoolGamez7, So what was the land of the Engs?

Never heard of it until now!

Player #11570156,
it's geography. there's a popular game KNOW CAPITAL CITIES of the countries on the map. you should have played it when you were a child in order to broaden your world Outlook

CoolGamez7, same as the land of Disney!

CoolGamez7, Thanks for the education. I just learned something new. Not bad for this old lady.

Player #10931353
Player#MaBe, join the military u would know where its at

I work in Bishkek or would have never known of either. Beautiful nearby mountains and nice people. Recommend visiting in April-June if you ever do.

never heard of it! Happy leap day!