In the New Testament, how many parables did Jesus use?
Correct answer: More than 30

Player Meyer
stashio2020, how about the Prodigal Son?

Oliver Twist
stashio2020, How about the story of the good Samaritan?

& the 3 talents

Mars V
It’s always the “more than” choice.

Zanner, The message is in the story.

BonBon, I agree. pA parable in itself! Well-said!

Listening to Jesus speak as many gathered around listening to him, makes me think of story hour at the public library. Sit quietly and learn a lesson or two.

I don't know about it I'm wrong because I'm a m yes

Oliver Twist, sometimes Jesus started stories with a simple phrase like… “ there was a man going…”. It’s not positive whether he is relating a true story that has a good lesson, or if it’s fictional.