Which actor played Cole Sear in the film "The Sixth Sense"?
Correct answer: Haley Joel Osment

I don't usually enjoy horror movies, but The Sixth Sense was an exception. Wonderful movie.

in no way a horror film!
supernatural is a more appropriate description

The second time I watched the film was the day after I watched it for the first time (so by then, I knew the twist at the end). While watching the second time, I realised how clever it is.

I remember how I was shocked by the ending

Player #9442102
[bobbo16], I did not know this until end of movie.Good shocker.

Sage Anshu
The Sixth Sense is one of my favourite movies. Manoj did a fan job with the script and direction. All the actors were superb. Bruce is a legend anyways.

pepper105, I totally missed it! Great trick, I bet a lot of us watched it twice...or more.

brilliant movie this is.. and as another person said, it's got a twist at the end, very clever twist!

PC, I've seen it at least 3 times and I still love the ending, makes me cry!

Sassy, I went to high school with their mother

toothless beachrat
I saw Osment in an actual "horror" film about a month ago called "Tusk". I wouldn't consider Sixth Sense to be a horror film at all.

Wannabe Vulcan
ManCity, yes, it was a horror movie, even though critics liked it.

Mars V
It has lots of scary dead people in it. That’s why it would be considered a horror movie.

His sister is also an actress

This is arguably M. Night's best film. I saw something that pointed out a fun fact about the movie. The color red was actually an important clue and used with purpose in the movie. Next time you watch it, pay attention to red.
Donnie Walhlburg was almost unrecognizable! His part was small but his transformation was enormous!

Red, That was Donnie that Played that Part in the Movie. It wasn't Mark but they are both good Actors...

There was a Crazy Twist at the end of the Movie that is what made it such a good Movie I think. very well Written It will kinda Scare Someone a little. it is Shocking.

Did anyone else figure this out before the end? Here's a clue. " I see dead people. "

Hard to believe that was a Walberg brother waiting in the bathroom.
Not Mark, pretty sure not Donnie.
He lost like 60 pounds in less than a month to "look" the part.
A simply brilliant movie.