Where did a subgenre of Western films, Spaghetti Western originate?
Correct answer: Italy

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.

I wish we could be less hysterical about cultural things. I read 'spaghetti western' and thought 'how long before someone complains that this "cultural stereotyping" and it will be renamed "post Columbian American cinema influenced by Italian Artists set in the nineteenth century"' to avoid offending anyone?

The man with no name (Eastwood) so cool .

My favourite was Fistful of dollars

Clint Eastwood was my first crush in Rawhide, anyone remember it.

Excuse the Kuz
James, that's a favorite of mine as well!!!

Player #97184361
I spent so much time triple watching those western movies in theatres in my youth. I believe it was time well wasted. It was the innocence and wanting to be adult but enjoying a fantasy I liked.

OK! Spaghetti westerns are of huge interest to me ! I and my super good looking husband have been watching these movies for many years. Django (the original), Death rides a horse, The grand duel, The Sabata films, The Trinity films, Companeros, Keoma, Texas Adios, and anything by Sergio Leone,.

my favourite was A fist Full of Dynamite/ Duck you Sucker

love me some westerns, new or old.