How was Sati practiced in India?
Correct answer: The burning of women on the pyres of their dead husband's.

Player #96919
Player #30201398, I have never heard of it but its a horrible custom. I too would choose to stay single.

Player #49699886
Should have never been started in the first place. Just goes to show what a woman was worth in India.

Religion.. What a great invention 😀

Player #96919, unfortunately when this was in practice, you wouldn't have had the choice.

Horrible right or customs for women!

They also out our their baby girls in the woods to be eaten by animals or just die because they didn't want to pay a dowry for her to get married or a girl can't take of the parents when they are old and they want only boys. I was adopted from India and I'm so glad I was. I know can live my life as I want, I can dress how I want, I can be with whomever I want. I have an education etc etc. There is already a surplus of men and it's their own fault.

When I learn about my country, India in Geography, I learnt this once my class was shocked 😳

It was Lord Dalhousie aka Lord Ramsay, who legislated the abolition of Sati.
It was indeed a cruel practice by the warrior caste of India, especially the Rajputs.
In fact, when defeat seemed inevitable, the Rajputs have been known to slay their entire womenfolk, including children, to prevent them from ignominy at the hands of the victors.

Player Say what!?
Oh boy. I almost picked the correct answer but thought it too bizarre.

Player #42394680
Persona_non_Grata, God hates religion and rituals he wants a relationship one-on-one just talked to him just call out his name Jesus

Player #96919, never heard of this either. Yes this is horrible

little b
I've not been to India

Starting this in the first place wasn't even the best 😕
what happens to the husbands when their wives die ?

Thidar Aung (Dolly)
It's should not be done

Avanthi, me too

Player #49699886, its the world over. unfortunately

I already read this in chapter in our history book

Safa Pervaiz
it's a very bad tradition of India

learned about it in our human rights lesson in particular crimes against women.

What man has done in the name of religion is horrible. Men should ask women to think each day of their dead husband as a form of honor.

Well that escalated quickly 😳

H. Safi
Player #49699886, not ‘was’, they are still worth less than cows and dogs in India.

This was abolished back in 1800s itself... Last ever recorded instance was in 1986 in Rajasthan

Thanks to Raja Ram Mohan Roy for protesting against this. And finally for banning this.