A UK publishing ban on a 1928 novel by which author was lifted in 1960?
Correct answer: D. H. Lawrence

I think I need to read this one for myself.

Player #8326726
Those who have read modern books and read the original will wonder at the Hoo hah.

Cha Cha
Cher67, me too

Player #21577029
When I was away at college in 1960 a bunch of us girls sneaked it into the dorm and read it together. Lots of nervous giggles.

Player #27634436
I read this at age 13 or 14...found the paperback at a holiday rental home. I understood less than half of it, but read it all the way through. I remember not letting my parents know I was reading it. lol

Parents today still want books banned. I will apologize for those who are parents. There are so many kids in school or out who cannot read. I was in school 70s and 80s. My Mom never ever told me what I couldn't read or could not. I don't see what the big deal is

Maestra, now that is really obscene.

The sexual content is tame by today’s “standards” but they also objected to the familiarity between classes.

baymax, rhe F word is Anglo saxon, so it has been around since before Alfred the Great.

Nothing like a charge of obscenity to sell some books.

Player #21577029, Since the social norms have changed so much since it was written or even in the sixties, it is much tamer than I recalled.

what four letter words are they going on about, not the f word surely, didn't think the y had it back then