Which is the tallest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe?
Correct answer: Silbury Hill

Player #1147652, as I was saying before my phone took over. The hill was originally clear of grass so that is shone bright white. one theory is that doing so acted as a guide for those going to stonehenge, avesbury, etc

Miss Sue
found my thrill on Silbury Hill.

Avebury is administered by The National Trust, not English Heritage. I have membership and got to park up and see it and all the other parts of the site for free. There is an annual subscription, so technically it isn’t free as such.

Kat, Avebury is a large neolithic site that covers a few square miles. Silbury hill is quite a long way from the village of Avebury.

SilentMercenary34712, that sounds better

Player #1147652, say that again!!!

We came across Avebury Henge (circle) when we were touring thru England, but don't remember seeing this.

Player #1147652, ah those were my days as well. The hill

I think Barh should read Bath.

Player #1147652, Where's Barh ?