Who was Murray H. Hall?
Correct answer: All three choices are correct

Player #5045122
Was their a movie made about this? Very interesting.

That's absolutely hilarious and wonderful.

Player #12054222
very interesting

omg...I'd Love to learn more of this. how interesting especially for its time.

Player #2064483
Was his wife a man dressed as a woman? She knew.

Player #21248520, gender is a matter of birth not choice and your" common knowledge " is at best delusion

Player #5855142
Player #2064483, yes of course she knew, how could she not? Sounds like after a break up the 1st woman took revenge and outed her.

Uninitialized, I agree, chromosomes can’t be changed or lied about. There are only two sexes unless you are some rare animal species. Only exception are birth defects.

Player #745155
the power of love is greater than the love of power. -j. hendrix

Player #5855142
Right on! That's hero material! Women weren't even allowed to vote then, or got sent to prison of they tried.
Also major props for living their true self

TJ SISTA, you go girl!!😋

peppers, Me too, knew that.

Uninitialized, Gender identification is certainly a choice. I should know.
It's thrilling to have learned of this person's lifestyle. Such successful daring.

perspicacity ok who else had to look that up? Be honest.

When in doubt, All of the above, or any variation of that, is a good choice.

Hopeful, true but the mind is diriven by hormones and those rule the mind and body!! It happens in nature also where same sex are attracted to each other!!

I would have liked to have seen a photo of her.

knvcolorado , SO SAD BUT SO TRUE!!!!

that's hilarious and rather interesting lol.

You go girl!! 😋

all people down here acting like gender assigned at birth is the end-all be-all as if "intersex" is not a literal medical term referring to someone who has characteristics of both sexes and can be assigned the wrong gender upon being born

GI Joe
Player #7106191, no, you think about it. Of course she knew. Do you really think the two wouldn't have sexual relations while they were married?

GI Joe
Player #10412558, ya, I don't like the way they worded that. Made the first half sound like it was a mistake he was assigned an F instead of an M on the birth certificate.

Player #9593850
[bobbo16], their referring to one person. Not a two different people

#larry fine 4 life
[bobbo16], that is against the Bible and I won't stand for it period

#larry fine 4 life
mikeg11643, I agree that it was weird

Player #5100533
All these references to "he" this & "he" that are factually incorrect. I don't think there were operations back then, to change the fact that SHE was still female. It was a good reuse though.

[bobbo16], I think you meant to say that the other way round.

Player #15574698
Player #5045122, "there"

why was she "assigned" female at birth. your either a female or a male.

larry the learner
can you trust the source?

Player #17495220
Now I gotta look up the picture.

ProsaicCarpenter7425, Are you SURE they didn't call HER a "HIM" ???
TransPHOBIC ? really?
Who exactly is afraid of who?