Which disorder is characterized by an appetite for substances that are largely non-nutritive?

Correct answer: Pica

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
The term Pica was drawn directly from the medieval Latin word for magpie, a bird subject to much folklore regarding its opportunistic feeding behaviors.
Player #96919
Player #96919
watched a very disturbing documentary of people that suffer from this Picca condition, weird
Organic Dude
Organic Dude
Many people suffering from iron deficiency have pica especially a craving for ice.
Player #137846770
Player #137846770
Maestra, yes, without the calories
toe jam
toe jam
does this have anything to do with performers that swallow anything in front of audiences.
Smart Kitten
Smart Kitten
I was told that in the case of eating something strange during pregnancy has nothing to do with Pica but yes an instinctive reaction to the body to get wats it’s needs . Eg: eating soil or clay can be related with lack of minerals
Maestra, it’s lack of iron
As an ice lover, I say that’s no disorder, just a desire for crunchy stuff.
sree sravani
sree sravani
what nonsense