Which actress is in the picture?
Correct answer: Drew Barrymore

Byrde Alpha Bitch
In her child actor years, she was wonderful in both "Irreconcilable Differences" & Firestarter." She has been in some great roles in her adult years as well such as "Riding In Cars With Boys" & "Boys On The Side". A very strong woman & she has also overcome much in her lifetime.

I recognized her from her role in ET.

Player #11249894, Never been kissed is also a great movie of hers as well.

smarty pants
she looks exactly like my niece when she was that age. except my niece had black hair.

Mars V
I didn’t go nuts over ET like most people did. I still had a huge Star Wars hangover.

I enjoy watching the drew Barrymore show.

unfortunately she became a drug addiction by the age of nine

she's the actress in the movie of Charles angel

* Seshati *
The show Santa Clarita with her on Netflix is funny a bit gory even if a comedy lol but I think worth the watch.