Where's a village with no roads situated?
Correct answer: Netherlands

C_Santoro, Venice (Italy) is not a village, it's a city so the question is correct.

If its the Venice of the north then wouldn't Venice (Italy) be correct too?

Beautiful country

what a cozy looking picture.

Player #1501113
Situated in Italy, Venice is also known as "The Venice of Venice."

C_Santoro, Venice is a city, not a village.

Player Ejag
Player #472251, You should go! My oldest friend toured Germany to meet her relatives and she was happy she did. Soon after she was diagnosed with cancer and died within a year. You never know when your time may be up so do the things you’ve always wanted to while you can!😎

Player #472251
ReSuReC1985, my father was from the Hague. I have always wanted to go and look up relatives I have never met, as I live in the U.S.A.

C_Santoro, no because Venice is not a village as the question stated

Player #19827928
I love that place.. Beautiful Country..

sunsetdb7, there are loads of roads in Venice!

Player #125843019
I had a good idea it was in Holland

Player #120374466
Player Ejag, Unfortunately many of things we want to do take lots of money. So we will have wait for the new life in the new world

Player #15773554, we stayed in a canal boat when we visited.. it's lovely

Looks so pretty and idyllic

ReSuReC1985, I loved the double-decker trains in Amsterdam. We do not have them in the UK. Also Amsterdam has some fabulous shoe shops.

What a beautiful house in that photo!!

Player #15773554
Saw Giethoorn in the 80"s..Women dress in long black frocks with neck crochet embroidery signifying their social status: widow, married , single all have same colors and design while either bicycling or walking, many in groups. Also prominent were bicycle wheels embroided with multi color decorations. Canals everywhere among picturesque houses on canal banks. When deliveries of food or manufactured products are done, different size canal boats go house to house .One my most memorable moments in European travel.

The twist is that Venice is a city not a village. Used 50/50

Herlene Tyson
C_Santoro, Venice is not a village

C_Santoro, Venice of the North due to the canals, not because Venice also has no streets / cars.

This question needs a link to a reference! Rosie keeps forgetting to put references. 🙄

Player #36023672
There must be a lot of mosquitoes

s.joe blessen
☺😊😀s.joe blessen

Player #32567393
Player #19827928,
Cozzy 25,
I love it too. 😎

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
It is, isn’t it? It’s so beautiful if I’m meant to, I’d love to live there. But no money. 😎

Player #2512936
Player Ejag, It Just helps to have The Money and free time!

Player #34818313
C_Santoro, it’s in the Netherlands! 😳

Player #9396422
C_Santoro, Venice has at least one main road and a couple of side streets.

Player #1501113, and all the other pretenders to the throne pale in comparison..

Player Elf Council
C_Santoro, Venice has plenty of roads. Been there and loved it.

Player #17850449
This is my idea of heaven, no tourists allowed

Player #8465282
C_Santoro, no cos it's got roads

C_Santoro, Italy us considered south!

C_Santoro, no, the question is “village” and Venice is a city

Player #5344198
C_Santoro, Venice not being a village aside...right? :D

who told anything about the holland