Which city is the Islamic center of pilgrimage?
Correct answer: Mecca

hey,I'm muslim and I'm proud of it

the haige

whenever I use to fall over my dad would say, 'say a prayer for me love, and make sure you're facing the right way, towards Mecca'

Amreen Nasir
Hira, in English it's Mecca

hey sorry to say but Makkah seplling is Makkah not mecca

CrispyQuail90973, same here.. commented in google play, but still hsppen

Just wondering...after every 3 or 4 levels of play, I get the message: "You have completed all current available levels!...please check back later." Then I can't get back on for 1-4 days. Most recently, I'd won a 2x score booster for 7 days and could only play 4 days and missed 3 days of it. This happens regularly. I'm on level 1325. Is anyone else having this problem? (I do the updates on this game whenever they are available.)

oh well!!