In how many ways is the act of Baptism practised?

Correct answer: 2

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
It may be performed by 1 sprinkling or 2 pouring water on the head or by 3 immersing in water either partially or 4 completely. Four. Count them. Four.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
There is also something called "baptism by desire" and Mormons have "baptism by proxy". Also, baptism isn't practiced, it is performed.
Sakina Bachani.
Sakina Bachani.
Myanswer was 4 ...immersion submersion aspersions affusion
Timoteo, pedant! 😉
Player #16264497
Player #16264497
So along with immersion, sprinkling, and pouring there are at least three. I have heard of "casting", but haven't found any information on it.
Player #16264497
Player #16264497
(above quote per
Player #16264497
Player #16264497
The answer to the question is faulty by omission. The Methodist Church uses sprinkling or pouring: Our church has always offered to people being baptized and to the parents of infants the choice of sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. Sprinkling is a common practice, but the person being baptized (or their sponsors) can choose the method most meaningful to them