Who was this famous Frenchman?
Correct answer: Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Amazing man!

Player #7850667
He and his boat are ever remembered in the song "Aye Calypso" by John Denver.

Cousteau was the Man who turned me on to conservation. Loved him.

Player #9442102
Canadagirl, when I was a young girl I loved watching the TV specials about Cousteau ,his crew and the Calypso. I lived in Ohio and he made the ocean so real!

One of my most favorite folks 😊👍

Player #7850667, that popped into my head immediately. I love that song, the singer and the subject! 😊

Player #18020621
My favorite as a child. We watched his show every Sunday night as a family.

Seriously! Who the flap would give Monsieur Cousteau the thumbs (dumbs ;) ) down?

Player #3138816
Player #7850667, brilliant men both of them! Miss John and his music so much.
Used to drive my parents potty playing his music over and over , but it got me through
Some bad times

Player #11557707
It's a pity very few people listened to him. What are we doing to this gift of a world?

Loren, Cousteau, Bellamy, Durrell, Attenborough

TRUDY ❤, Totally agree with you and nobody should of thumbs you down.

LolliNannaPop, Agree!!!

MCA , AMEN and Praise God!!!

Player #7850667, I think his godfather is or was Captain Ahab

I still remember watching him as a kid, it was really fascinating, and I'm pretty sure they found the sunken treasure from the concepti'on

I loved to watch the show
he was a very smart person and an amazing man

His love of nature, especially aquatic animals and creatures in the oceans, started my love for it as a child and I still love learning about all of the wonderful and sometimes strange lifeforms on this awesome planet that GOD has Created.

Andrea Stewts
I watched every episode in Germany

I loved to watch his TV program. I think it was called The Undersea World of Jaques Coustaeu.

Player #11557707, David Attenborough has been giving same message for most of his very long, and productive, life!

Player #9442102, Me too..I remember looking forward to his very interesting programnes..UK.

He truly lived in a world of his own.

amazing how much he did!!

wonderful passionate Educator of all things Oceanic ❤️ ✨️ ♥️

Ad very famous pioneer in under water diving

Player #33749733
He was a genius with his knowledge of all of the creatures that live in the Ocean

Player #17112183
I always enjoyed the underseaworld of Jaq Custeau

Growing up in Australia he was up there as a must watch on the telly alongside the Leyland Brothers and Ron and Valerie Taylor's work...my dream as a kid was to be an oceanographer....I settled for being a librarian but still love the ocean 😂🇦🇺🐨🌊📚🙄

The world should focus a whole lot more on good people and their work. Learn good history rather than bad ones. Long term it will do good. Amazing person Cousteau !!

Play grananny
In 1973 my then 3 year old said she was going to be a "fishy doker," like her friend "Jackie Cusso'.

Outstanding and intelligence man

I liked his documentaries.

Jaques-Yves Cousteau was a gift to our planet...our seas, plants and wildlife. He was an angel from God sent to protect those who precious, innocent mammals and sea lives who could not speak for themselves. I can't wait to meet him in heaven one day...❤❤❤

Player #19277713
totaly guessed on this and thought he was based off the bill Murray movie.

Remember watching his tv show when I was a little girl.

Player #20444755
what's the dam answer?!, come on damp

Great man. And he's the reason the narrator has a French accent in SpongeBob SquarePants!

Player Gigi #28446253
loved all things Cousteau ❤

When did he pass away? I thought he was still alive. Loved his underwater documentaries.