What is the name of this lady's hairstyle?
Correct answer: Beehive

Always amazed me that my Aunt could do a perfect Beehive hair do

good answer options!

I remember getting a beehive done while in, L.A. before going to watch The Dating Game in person. I was worried that the people seated behind me couldn't see the show because my hairdo was probably blocking their view.

Player #25924774
Iwonder, the minute I saw that picture I immediately thought 😂 beehive. I saw the wasp answer but then I saw the.bee answer and I knew that was right. my hairstyle in the 60s was similar but not quite so big. I miss everything about the 60s...music clothes. being in college. and no complicated technology.

I know this, . cos my mum used to do her hair like that....lot if backcombing involved

those answers are funny, a wasps nests