How is Alfred Russel Wallace connected with Charles Darwin?
Correct answer: He independently conceived the theory of evolution
One thing I have always found interesting is that Darwin's Origin of Species never describes how species originate. He details evolution but only and always within a species ... never explaining how a new species comes into existence.
the longest answer wins ... again!
Player #62752956, you may have come from the planet of the apes, I however did not
Smarty 🤓
Player #82256767, you're not supposed to tell your birthday
Smarty 🤓
aw man i got it wrong 😭
Player #62752956, man and apes both evolved from a common ancestor. Man did NOT evolve from apes..😬
Snowie queen 👑☺️
Hmm 🤔 I studied in my 10th grade....
Player #62752956
Birdman, that’s absolutely not true. Man evolved from apes. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. All living things evolved from single-celled organisms.
I didn't know him but now I'm familiar ☺️
Player #82256767
my. birthday is. sixteen October
Player #22506154
Birdman, You’ve called out the primary flaw in Darwin’s “theory,” that life somehow began, and then, and only then, did natural selection begin its work. There is no explanation, theory, or speculation on HOW life began; in Darwin’s theory, it just appeared, as if out of the ether. The idea that lightning struck a mud puddle containing just the right combo of elements/chemicals, or some such happenstance, and produced the building blocks of life (amino acids) is not crazy, but all attempts to replicate such an event (other than those that were “fudged”) have produced zip.
my daughter is 8 yrs old but when she played the game the questions were set for teens and adults even at the first we mentioned the age.
It certainly doesn’t sound like they were connected if they were independent.
Player #31753367
Julia, Would be interested to know how , and by whom this has been 'disproved ' Was God an Astronaut ? again a THEORY.. and Who ever will be able to provide to The Final Answer ...???
Terry B
Terry B
Venus spins reverse to the other planet's "take that Wallace and Darwin lol
Birdman, a species must evolve to the point to where it becomes a new species, whatever point that is. I can only speculate
just click the biggest answer
Did not know this, love this game!
ChewyGazelle68623 info!!