Where was Hannibal born?
Correct answer: Carthage, Tunisia

Player #9212065
Am I the only one who thought they were talking about Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs? 😆

Nowdays Carthage is neighborhood of Tunis. If you visit the capital of Tunusia definitely you have to visit also Carthagenian ruins.

Peter Montgomery
SusceptibleGenius2, haven't you ever made a typing error .. I have. so player 6173858 made a typing error .. it happens

Peter Montgomery
Player #6173858, on the Mediterranean next door to Greece .. heading east partly on in Europe partly middle eastern. very ancient land with much history, diverse scenery mountains to the coast.

Queen bee
Player #9212065, I thought so too lol

Player #16296062
Player #9212065, that’s where they got it from

Player #5250844
Player #9212065, umm yes! Never heard of this guy they are referring to.

Player #18548438
Player #9212065, me too! Obviously they weren’t, lol . I even asked my husband where Hannibal Lecter was born? He replied Hannibal who? I said Hannibal Lecter from the movie. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Now that is funny! Haha

Player #18939658
Player #9212065, nope me to lol

Player #9212065, 😂

Player: veganshinbud
I'm a history buff

Player #9212065, Guess so. LOL

Player #17495425
Player #9212065, same here hahaha

Name a current Military commander. Exactly. Be glad you dont live with Empires ruling. I prefer not to be stabbed.

Player #16896738
ChewyGazelle68623, So do you

Player #9212065, no. I was thinking the same thing.

Player #9307280
Player #9212065, 😂😂

Player #9914179
how about Hannibal from the A Team?

pretty sure they meant turkey instead of Tukey on the other option. Js

Very interesting history !!

I pity the people who pick Rome

Player #11899825
Player #9212065, I thought so too!!

Dan Bern: "..going down to Hannibal, guna buy some city clothes.." (look up his music, wayy underground, but I love him since a teen.. not for the faint of heart tho if you get offended easily lol)

SusceptibleGenius2, actually Player #6173858 was trying to point out the typo in answer #1!!

Player #6173858, You can't spell either !!

Hannibal had mental problems!!