The logo of which company is in the picture?
Correct answer: Škoda

never heard of it before but eliminated the others an got it right

Player #8090092
Apart from my first, every car I've owned has been a Skoda.
I have found them to be economical to run and have always done what I have needed them to. My current car, a 2012 Fabia, has now clocked up over 170,000 miles and has never once let me down.

I had one in the eighties. We still don't talk about it in polite company...

Player #13286156
they were bought by VW and are now fantastic cars

Player Say what!?
I'm always learning with this game. Never have heard of that car but now I know there are a lot of players from all around the world here on this game. Cool!

little b
i dont like the slow cars

charlieCamp, Never heard about it? Really! It's famous!

charlieCamp, I am often reduced to using the "elimination" method. I may not know what something is, but I darned well know what it isn't. 😏

Today's Skoda's are so much better than the earlier models. The VW involvement saw them becoming very reliable.

Player. Ty, from what I know, Yugo is the equivalent of a Bentley.

charlieCamp, exactly what I did too

In my hometown every taxi is a Skoda Octavia or Superb, because they are now such total workhorses

What do you call a Skoda with a twin exhaust... A wheelbarrow!
What do you call an open topped Skoda... A skip!
This has to be the ugliest car emblem ever created.

ZyggyStardust, not surprised given you're in the States. These were horrible a few decades ago, but in the last few years have improved dramatically. We (New Zealand) don't have car manufacture, so import a wide variety from other countries.

Player. Ty
I've worked on one(an early 60s model) What a piece of Garbage Car that was. Made a Yugo look like a Mercedes.☺