What kind of disease is Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus)?
Correct answer: Autoimmune

Jow weird is it that this came up tonight? I just got diagnosed with lupus yesterday after months of being sick.

Player daisy101
I have had it for over 20 yrs. Just stay positive.

JustMe, that sucks. Hope yours isn't severe. I have a dear friend who has it. We need to finds cures for autoimmune diseases. 😕

Player #2684652
I was diagnosed with SLE at 18. I've had many issues due to lupus. I don't let it dictate my life though.

JustMe, sorry to hear you have lupus, but it must be a relief to know why you've been sick. hope you can manage it or make it better.

Player #15884378
I was diagnosed at age 31...turned 51 earlier this month & it’s not been fun!! Love life & learn all u can & try to stay positive!!

JustMe, so sorry. I was just diagnosed with the fairly rare "elder onset" Lupus. Fun days ahead.

JustMe, my heart goes out to you.

Player #17691939
And anyone else with an autoimmune disorder needs to read Dr. Joel Fuhrman's two books "Eat to Live" and "Fasting and Eating for Health". It could save your lives. The only way to actually reset the bodies immune system is through a natural diet and fasting. We don't eat real food anymore. We eat merchandise. The food we do think of as "good" is overly hybridized, genetically modified and loaded with toxic herbicides and pesticides.
This is an extraordinarily complicated issue. If we simply banned herbicides and pesticides it would cause the worst famine in the history of the planet. We need to find a way to transition how we look at food, how we grow it and how we eat. This would require a complete paradigm shift in our thinking, which sadly means it is not going to happen. We can start with ourselves however.

JustMe, I'm sorry.

JustMe, I requested an ANA which came back negative but Rheumatoid runs on both sides of the family and that puts my sister and I at risk for autoimmune. I have POTS which can be autoimmune and you can technically have an autoimmune disease, even lupus with a negative ANA. I have symptoms of lupus including the rash on my face but idk.. I'm a nurse not a Dr lol. I am pretty sure my son and Ibhave Ehlers Danlos because we both have joints that sublux and extra stretchy skin

lupus is autoimmune and Lyme is tick (bacteria) - can be cured if discovered early enough. These 2 illnesses are often confused with each other.

Player #120374466
Player #17691939, Very true. The less processed food we eat the better. The more organic foods we eat the less damage to us and the earth.

JustMe, I pray you get some relief.

JustMe, so sorry to hear that, take good care of yourself

Thank you House MD for this knowledge

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
sorry to read comments on those affected, be strong!

Anthony Tipton
I have taken Echinacea for a long time and I haven't even had a cold for more than 10 yrs. I think it's worth trying. There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people.

Uninitialized, my best friend tried cbd for her lupus & it did nothing. her Dr put her on hydroxychloroquine & she's doing very well, now

My brother has Lupus now for months. Affects his eyes,kidney. He has good and bad days.

Player #69687199
I was diagnosed with lupus about 10 years ago. I am a male and now 66 years old. I stay as healthy as possible and I find that helps with lupus symptoms. But don’t let your Dr blame all your symptoms on lupus. You may miss some other health issue.

just me
RushMama2112, I am a retired nurse. heard of ME during my career but until.i got it, I'd no idea it can be utterly life changing and debilitating.

just me
JustMe, Sorry you've had thus diagnosis. Lupus isn't a nice illness. Rest as much as you need to.

Watergate. former brother in law was diagnosed with lupus quite a while ago. he used to be an airline pilot after the air force. he couldn't fly anymore after that.he was often very ill. this disease obviously made everything harder for him.

I knew the answer straight away, because I have been diagnosed with Lupus just few months ago. I had to read everyone’s comments here, to see what anyone has to say, and did not realised that a lot are also suffering from this condition. Though I don’t have any symptoms like many people have, I do however have dry eyes, and whenever I’m on the sun, I start to itch and my skin start to have sudden rashes, but it also disappears as quickly as it comes.
My hope is that none of us have to suffer as much. I have always been active an do a lot of physical activity, so I hope this will help me in the long run.
Like many comments here, yes I believe in staying positive, have a healthy diet and keep active.

my cousin has this,love her,
comedy. if you have lupus..do turn into a werewolf on a full moon

Player #28001532
Wow my daughter been battling lupus since she was eight years old and now she’s 25 her lupus attack her kidneys as well but she’s a fighter and I Pray that you all get through this who’s battling with this illness/disease I wasn’t expecting this question at all but it give me faith that my daughter and all you beautiful peoples who’s battling lupus is going to beat it just keep your Faith 💜💜💜

Player #49360832
My younger sister died from SLE 6yrs ago. It was a 4-yr battle she eventually lost and we were all beside her as she died, leaving behind a husband and a 5-yr old son. SLE is a heartless disease and i pray no one would ever die from it anymore. We've seen how a healthy 30yr old deteriorated and slowly died from it. Until now we haven't recovered from her loss, until now we cry whenever we think of her on our quiet, alone time. I'm praying a permanent cure would eventually be discovered.

Selena Gomez was diagnosed with Lupus.

So much positivity eyy! It's so good to read all these positive comments...!!! Live grand...

Player #30444411
when I was 13, I was diagnosed with hemophilia. When I was 14, they changed the diagnosis to SLE. My bleeding time was 21+ min. After spending a year in the hospital, I went into remission. I got to go home on Easter. 56 years later, I'm still in remission and have led a very active life.
Moral to my story: There is a God, and prayers DO work.

Teresa Tribble Silvious
Player #19027454, they don't know. some scientists say Lupus and other auto immunes are genetic and others say they are environmental.

Teresa Tribble Silvious
Player #27643412, the infusions you are getting may work for other diseases but maybe not for everyone.

My 9 year old stepdaughter died from lupus after a 3 year battle with the disease in 1983.

Player #41296978
diagnosed at 6 months old, am now 49, realistically I don't know any different, be wary of sunlight

Player #38441669
JustMe, hold fast

Player #25254885
My niece was diagnosed with lupus before Christmas 2020 n i jan 14, 2021 shes passed away.. 27 yo, in the prime of her life...a happy and beautiful girl. it brome our hearts...😥😥😥

Player Number1Explor
Hypnotic, NO ,in very rare cases maybe .Was determined I had Lupus at age 17 after becoming very sick years before .I am now 66 ..Keep a positive outlook through it all and depend on your faith in God .I had wanted to die when in so much pain but now I'm so glad I lived .Went into remission at age 30 with little flair up and it's side effects .Stay OUT OF THE SUN !

Player Number1Explor
Player #15582650, God bless you for enduring this ,I too have SLE .

it's never lupus