Which of these can squirrels not digest?
Correct answer: Cellulose

Maman Moustique
Sassy, agree. the brief intro to cellulose is missing in the explanation.

What is cellulose?

Sussex Mike
Send the greys, back to america

Dorothy, Cellulise is one of the most abudent natural products in the world. A fibre found in plants, fruits, veggies and more.

ceulose is not a natural product. It is man-made. So it is not edible.

Squirrels: rats with fluffy tails.

joymarch016, why wud he be in the bedroom I'f he bites.? I wud of closed my door 🚪 after the first bite,, duh!!!

ATS, I had a Pine Martin for a pet once, they are darling but very vicious !! Bitey would wait till I was asleep and bite me all over - I would wake up with terrible bites and deep scratches everywhere, but I still loved him, he lived to be 14 and never quit biting me when I was asleep, but he was adorable though. He loved pepperoni, salami and pastrami. They're not supposed to make great pets.

This is why humans must feed the squirrels !! Those poor creatures !! 😔😔

Humans can't digest cellulose either.

Player #96890951
Sussex Mike, As well as all the other NON - NATIVE °°PESTS °° Eg GIANT HOGWEED, BUDDLEIA, Various ESCAPEES of all forms of life.

Boxcar, really, do you believe that?

is this a trick question??

With the spread of the Pine Martin population in the UK it has been seen that the grey squirrels are disappearing.

got my lesson on. squirrels, I didnt know!!