In Food Safety, what does the acronym F.I.F.O. stand for?

Correct answer: First In First Out

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Johnny u
Johnny u
working in food service you hear this a lot in training
Hugo Oran
Hugo Oran
It is common abbreviation, not only food industry. Logistics, computers etc.
wish I could get my husband to understand this, I'm disabled so he looks after most of the cooking
Always use the stuff you’ve opened ( as long as it’s still in date) first… wish both of my kids would get this!!
It's also used in grocery stores and other places that sell perishable items. I work at a pet store and we do this with the pet food. It's also meant to make sure the food is sold before it expires. Not all the stock employees do it so sometime I'll get a bag of food at the register that expired last year. I get mad at them for it cuz it makes me look awkward when I tell the customer that I can't sell them the food because it's expired. And of course it's usually the last one on the shelf!
Le Khanh
Le Khanh
Hoc roi nhha