In which country is Copacabana beach located?
Correct answer: Brazil

there is a Copacabana beach in NSW Australia too.

Great. Now that song is stuck in my head.

Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?, I googled the lyrics, and indeed, Barry sang "north of Havana"! I should get a point for that. 😀

Player Say what!?
J, I went thru that song in my head and picked the US. Could've sworn it was "the hottest spot north of Havana" 😉

toothless beachrat
Spent a day there while in Brazil for World Cup 2014. I enjoyed the beach, but was surprised at how the neighboring streets had so much dog feces left behind by the dog owners.

2 answers to this question. There is a beach in NSW Australia with the same name.

Barry Manillo