In which year did the Mayor of Tokyo provide a gift of 3,020 cherry trees to the city of Washington, DC?

Correct answer: 1912

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
Player Meyer
Player Meyer
They are absolutely gorgeous in the early spring when they are in bloom. It’s a great view to chase away the winter blahs and welcome the coming spring.
Player Meyer, yes they're surely are, the different variations of color from white, to pale pink, and perhaps a mixture of both.
new info for me.thanks
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
I did not know that they were a gift at all. My favorite place to be in the Springtime. ! 🤗
And again this year replaced many which had been damaged by storms,flooding and erosion.
Mihai Mc, did you expect the US to drop a huge plaque of appreciation on Japan after the war crimes that Japan committed in WW2?
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
Uninitialized, Bucket list.
Player #3305800
Player #3305800
Enduring friendship? Pearl Harbor? Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Really?