What is the largest island in the Indian ocean?
Correct answer: Madagascar
RMCDM123, Australia is not considered/classified as an island. It is a continent, as is Antarctica.
mick dundee
I live in Australia, we may well be a continent but we're also absolutely an island!!
I believe Australia is the largest island in the world. At a whopping 2.7 million square miles, it is the only island/country/continent combination.
Little Saint, Antarctica is not purely ice. There is land.
A few geographical facts.
▪︎ Australia is a continent and an island.
▪︎ Oceania is a region, not a continent. It includes most of the Pacific islands of Melanesian, Micronesian and Polynesian people.
▪︎ Australasia is also a region. It encompasses Australia, New Zealand and just a few neighbouring islands.
why is it such a big revelation that Australia is a continent? This is grade school material people! c'mon
catsmeow9810, yes it is. It is an island and a continent.
catsmeow9810, actually, as crazy as it sounds, it’s classified as both an island and a continent.
thank u penguins of Madagascar
JR. Gee
why I thought it was just a movie lol
Fredrico, ‘met’ a lot of Australian people, how many ? so we can make a fair assumption
Madagascar is also the only island in the list that is located in the Indian ocean
Player #8753574
Rosie, yes :)
Awesome dude
I didn’t think Madagascar was an island.
Player #14809480, Borneo is not in the Indian Ocean
Player #13313326
oops, I didn't read question correctly. haha
Player #13313326
Greenland, at 2,166,086 km2, is the world's largest island.
Player #14809480,
Indian Ocean?
oh yeah mad a gas car
Eshaal Fatima
Madagascar is also a nice movie
Player #19261665
Rosie, Yes, it is classified as a continent. Look it up.
Vanillabean fun
Carrerafan., guess your right so sad for the whole world coaronavirus has token over the world but we are going to get through it
Vanillabean fun
Rosie, it's not a continent
Vanillabean fun
#science love, who hasn't watched Madagascar
Vanillabean fun
Player #18673827, what makes no sense
Vanillabean fun
Madegagascar actually used to be conected to Africa but after the earth change it seperated from Africa
Player #18750407
its a movie...☺☺
Player #18942762
"Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world after, Greenland, New Guinea, and B O R N E O"
Player #18673827
that makes no sense
#science love
there's a movie called Madagascar
dam easy
Player #18515340
easy question
roses r red
ya know I only got this question right cause of the movie Madagascar lol but good information