Which country has a musical instrument as its national emblem?
Correct answer: Ireland
📸 FlashPony714
Guinness has the harp, and Harp beer. Which is delicious.

Celtic music is so beautiful

Player #15005726
I want to go to Ireland some day.

Jocko Fu
I am half Irish, and like Guinness 😍

Player #10254974
Player #15005726, It's a beautiful country. If you can't have fun ( The Craic ). in Ireland. You can't have it anywhere.

Player the.... sav
Good beer, good people, good times

smarty pants, Scotland isn't an independent country. If they became one maybe the pipes might appear on the flag!

easy am an Irish lady

seanieG eire/kreta
smarty pants, no oileann pipes

for "the breakdown of society" read " the destruction of society and outlawing of Irish customs and language ". The Emerald Isle was invaded and her culture squashed brutally.

smarty pants, Bagpipes would be Scotland.

smarty pants
l thought the answer was the bagpipes.

Player #38618593
Folk melodies so sweet and lilting - nobody does it quite like the Irish.

Player #12853493
Didn't realize time was a factor in answering.

Player #18608534
A beautiful display at the library.

really easy and hard

I was thinking bag pipe. Duh! Learn something new everyday.

I live in Ireland and I love it

I did not know this.

very interesting

Player Ginger
Love ❤

Player Irish Robespi
ShortPony130, Harp is Ulster slop

Player #5100533
ShortPony130, That's how I knew, I pictured the beer in my head.

Player #15188707
that is the old flag of ireland when we were in the civil war against unionists

Player #15063271
I didn't know that thank you