Algebra is a part of which science?
Correct answer: Mathematics

It was created by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi - which is not mentioned here 😏

I have always hated algebra. I always found very difficult.

Alexandra Kendall
Why why why would anyone want to substitute a number with a letter???

A Big Friendly Ghost
I love mathematics like something.I was famous in school because of maths.

Flower Lady
only "F" I ever got in my life was in algebra.

My best marks were always in Maths and English, but since I have finished school, I have realised that algebra while interesting, does not equate to actions used in my everyday life.

Player #27195683
I hate math😂😂

Puma Girl
Alexandra Kendall, that is where the headaches and confusion comes into play 🤧🤧🤧

Puma Girl
AwkwardTurtle, same with me, 😩😫

Never liked algebra.. Maybe it was somehow ingrained into the working class did that I do not know. I think there should be more classes on socialism and finance and the world economics

little b
I'm not good at maths

Big M
Felipe, If you want to abandon physics, chemistry, engineering and electronics to return to the dark ages, that is your choice.

Big M
When I was 11, my dad explained how to use cross - multiplication to solve algebraic problems. I lapped it up and became an algebra expert overnight! I taught this to some of my friends and they surged forward too.
Why don't maths teachers explain this better?

most famous algebra would be;E=MC2

Favorite subject😍

Lady of the Lake
I've always loooved algebra (was really good at it in school 😁) however, absolutely hated geometry!

Republic of Taiwan
Algebra is actually useful according to Google :
Algebra is one of the most important topics in Math as it forms a base for some complex topics in the higher classes. Since it is a complex topic, it is divided into two parts i.e Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
Algebra is an important life skill worth understanding well. It moves us beyond basic math and prepares us for statistics and calculus. It is useful for many jobs some of which a student may enter as a second career. Algebra is useful around the house and in analyzing information in the news.
Depending on your career goals, you could work as a math teacher, a stockbroker, a financial planner or an accountant. All of these jobs require algebra. Financial advisors, for example, use their skills in this area to help customers choose the best savings plans, investments and insurance policies.

Angel 😇
after tenth or eleventh maths is become like science

Angel 😇
A Big Friendly Ghost is Right 👍

my mistake 🥲

Alexandra Kendall, 😀 for many many many reasons

A Big Friendly Ghost, same, I was famous in school for my math knowledge

kyriew uwu
i knew but imessed up

My favourite subject is one of the hardest subject ever ... but i don't care ....

al-Khwarizmi lived in Baghdad, around 780 to 850 CE (or AD). He was one of the first to write about algebra (using words, not letters).
Around 825 he wrote the book "Hisab Al-jabr w’al-muqabala", from which we get the word algebra (meaning 'restoration of broken parts'). This book included many word problems, especially dealing with inheritance

Mathematics is my favourite subject

jay w, your exactly right.I love to learn but I never understood the need to learn algebra.I have not used it in 60 years

AwkwardTurtle, I failed it in high school

My favorite topic in math algebra

my favourite lesson in maths and IAM fed up of mathematics

MANGERA, no he was a biologist not related with algebra he is saying correct that the founder of algebra is Musa khwrizmi

Cambridge gel, to exercise the brain. I was once told

Jasmine Villegas
I was going to tap mathematics but i tap the wrong one:(

I love 💕😘 math

Zain, i thought it wad ib ne sina