What is the field of study of Noam Chomsky?

Correct answer: Linguistics

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Ironstine, Chonsky has repeatedly called the holocaust the biggest outburst of collective insanity in mankinds history. He has never denied the holocaust.
Chomsky literally revolutionized our thinking about the idea that a lot of uniquely human talents such as language and abstract thought can not be explained solely through trial and reward type learning. Yeah, his politics are not mainstream and he his willing to defend unpopular groups right to speak, but by far his main contributions to the world are his revolutionary theories about language and human learning.
Inès L
Inès L
Player #15349852, same thing here
mrs H.
mrs H.
Whoa! I chose physics..did not know answer..so went with popular acjice. Wrong. First time they let me down. LOL
Player #14844563, yes he was!!