How was the sweetener Saccharin discovered?
Correct answer: By accident

I guess he didn't wash his hands before he ate. Eewwwww!

In 1977, almost 100 years after invention, saccharin was required to have a warning label regarding potential cancer. In 2010 the requirement was removed. Cancer occurred in only a few of the 100 studies on rats. No human studies showed a link.
However high sugar intake is KNOWN to cause many health problems, so keep daily intake below 50g (about 1 can of soda).

Ray C
Tastes nasty! Just use less real sugar (unless you have a medical restriction against real sugar)

I hate the aftertaste of all artificial sweeteners!. I'd rather just have less, or even no, sugar!

don't like the aftertaste,but I 'm sure it helps a lot of people who can't have sugar

Player #25232914
If you have a problem with sugar & don't like using artificial sweeteners, try Stevia.

He’s lucky that he didn’t poison himself.

Miss Sue
Player #25232914, I do not like Stevia aftertaste whatsoever!

Is any bothered by the fact that the world's 1rst sweetner came from coal

Kat, he said, without stopping to wash my hands

Player #76981972, I’m from the UK and have never heard of this. I stopped taking sugar in drinks in my teens (74 now) because my dad said it was more refreshing. Mum took sweeteners. Horrible after taste when I tried them once. Interesting if yucky story.

Player #62752956
Always choose the longest answer…

Player #97157890
Player #24424873, Stevia is from a plant, I grow it!

Player #24424873
Player #25232914, What do you think Stevia is??? It's an artificial sweetener! And leaves a nasty after taste!!!

Player #76981972
Player #25232914, here in the UK we have "half spoon" a mixture of sugar and sweetener so you get the sweetness and consume less sugar ☺️

Player Bengal Mama
5I have Diabetes and hate the taste of all artificial sweeteners. a half t. of raw sugar doesn't harm my A1C at all. I was pruning near 8. Now it's

Kat, they didn't know about good hygiene back then

... small correction: Label removed in 2000 (not a carcinogen) ; In 2010 EPA says it is not a health hazard.

I use it everyday in my ice tea!!