The practitioners of which art appear to demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities?

Correct answer: Mentalism

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Tremain White
Tremain White
Any venerable mentalist ought best to keep his or her ability well away from the opinions of others. After all, the misunderstanding of each other is already bad enough without complicating matters any further...
mac iannis
mac iannis
TimO, she is the mentalist. she explains what is drawn
Why is the woman blind folded????
It's most likely rehearsed beforehand with clues being given, it's kinda like that math program Brainetics (which i got for free by the way) it's was pretaped and it only works with certain numbers not all. I watched it for a few with my kids and we were done, my kids thought it was kind of ridiculous, quick math with same numbers over and over, no real learning